Crafting the Perfect Text Script

by FullPAC

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Jumpstart Your Campaign with Our Expertly Crafted Text Message Scripts!

Streamline your political campaign communication effortlessly. Explore our top-tier text message scripts for a head start. If you need help with tone selection, check out our guide below.

Our scripts are customizable, engaging voters, fostering volunteers, and keeping your community informed. They strike the right balance between professionalism and personal touch. Let them be the voice of your campaign – no need to start from scratch!

Remember to abide by the Script Content Standards to ensure your scripts are approved by the carriers.

GOTV Scripts

GOTV (Get Out The Vote) scripts are specifically tailored to motivate voters to head to the polls. These messages are crafted to emphasize the importance of every vote and to empower your audience with all the information they need for a smooth voting experience. With a clear call to action, our scripts are a strategic asset to maximize turnout and make a tangible impact on Election Day.

Urgent Eday Reminder


🚀 The day we've all been working towards is here! It's Election Day, and every single vote matters. Let's make sure every voice is heard. Today, we make a pivotal choice for our future – make your vote count!

📣 [Your Campaign Name] Urges You to Vote Today!

  • 📍 Polling Location: [Insert Polling Location Details]

  • Polls Open: [Insert Poll Opening Times]

  • Polls Close: [Insert Poll Closing Times]

👉 Haven't voted yet? There's still time to join [Your Campaign Name] in making a significant impact. Head to your polling station and vote for [Your Candidate's Name]!

💡 Remember: Bring [necessary ID/Voting materials] and check [any special instructions or COVID-19 guidelines].

  • 🤳 Need assistance or have questions? Contact us: [Insert Contact Details]

🔗 [Your Campaign Website or Voter Information Link]

Want to Opt-Out? Reply w/ STOP

GOTV (Get-Out-The-Vote)

📢 Election Reminder for {fname}!

Residents of [City/Town] - Tomorrow is Election Day!

Don't forget to cast your ballot and let your voice be heard.

Your candidate: [Candidate Full Name], committed to serving our community, is up for election to [Position].

🔵🗳️ Vote [Candidate Full Name] for [Position]!

  • A vision for progress

  • Dedicated to the community

  • Focused on unity and collective success

💼 Trustworthy Experience [Candidate Full Name] has consistently shown leadership that includes active listening, prompt response, and decisive action. Elect a [Position] who represents our core values.

👉 Your vote is the key to our future.

📍 Polling Stations Open: [Opening Time] AM - [Closing Time] PM

Together, we advance!


🚀 Every Vote Makes a Difference! Stand up for [City/Town].

This message was sent by {agent_first_name} on behalf of [Organization]. Want to Opt-Out? Reply w/ STOP

MMS Suggestions:

  • Campaign Flyer: A digital version of the campaign flyer or brochure, highlighting key messages or promises.

  • Highlighted Ballot: An image of the actual ballot with the candidate’s name highlighted or circled to guide voters.

  • Community Engagement: A photograph of the candidate actively engaging with community members or speaking at an event.

Early Voting Reminder

🌟 Early Voting Alert for {fname}!

Residents of [City/Town], seize the opportunity to vote early! Why wait until Election Day when you can make your voice heard now?

Support your candidate: [Candidate Full Name], who is tirelessly championing our community, is seeking election to [Position].

🔵🗳️ Cast your early vote for [Candidate Full Name] for [Position]!

  • Advocate for progress

  • Deeply committed to our residents

  • Aiming for unity and shared success

💼 Proven Leadership: [Candidate Full Name] is recognized for engaging with the community, addressing issues promptly, and leading with conviction. Elect a [Position] who stands for our shared dreams.

👉 Make your mark on our future today.

📍 Early Voting Hours: [Opening Time] AM - [Closing Time] PM until [End Date]

Let's move forward together!


🚀 Take a stand early for [City/Town]. Every vote counts!

Message from {agent_first_name} at [Organization]. For no more messages, reply STOP.

MMS Suggestions:

  • Early Voting Guide: A snapshot of an official early voting information pamphlet or guide.

  • Absentee Ballot Instructions: An image of a sample absentee ballot with instructions on how to fill it out properly.

  • Early Voting Signage: A picture of the signage outside an early voting location, showcasing the campaign's banners.

Absentee Ballot Reminder

📢 Absentee Voting Alert!

📦 {fname}, it's time to secure your vote from home! Don't let distance be a barrier to your civic duty.

🗳️ Choose [Candidate Full Name] for [Position], championing [key issue/promise] and ready to lead with resolve.

🔵📮 Cast an absentee vote for change!

  • Your advocate, regardless of distance

  • Committed to [specific cause]

  • Bridging gaps for [City/Town]'s prosperity

💼 Proven Record: Trust [Candidate Full Name] to elevate our concerns and bring about tangible results. A vote for [Candidate] is a vote for dedicated leadership.

👉 Make your mark remotely.

📍 Absentee Ballot Deadline: [Deadline Date]. Act now!

We rise by lifting our community's voice!


🚀 Ensure [City/Town] thrives - vote absentee!

Need help? Contact {agent_first_name} from [Organization]. To stop receiving messages, reply STOP.

MMS Suggestions:

  • Infographic Guide: A step-by-step visual guide on how to request and submit an absentee ballot.

  • Candidate Clip: A short video message from the candidate encouraging absentee voting.

  • Photo Collage: A selection of images showing the candidate engaging with the community, emphasizing inclusivity.

Remember to Vote Reminder

📬 Important Notice for {fname}!

As a valued member of [District], your participation in the upcoming elections is crucial.

🏛️ It’s time to vote for [Position]!

  • Stand with [Candidate Full Name] for positive change.

  • Your voice matters in shaping our future.

👉 Every ballot counts: [Opening Time] AM - [Closing Time] PM at your local polling station.

For more info, reply to this text and we'll follow up!

🔊 Share the word, let's vote together!

Sent by {agent_first_name} on behalf of [Organization Name]. Text STOP to unsubscribe.

MMS Suggestions:

  1. Voting Info Snapshot: Send an informative graphic detailing the times and locations for voting.

  2. Ballot Preview: Share an image of a sample ballot with the sections for [Position] clearly indicated.

  3. Event Highlights: Circulate a vibrant photo of community members participating in a recent campaign event, showcasing the collective spirit.

Engagement Scripts

Engagement Scripts are designed to inspire action and participation from your audience. These scripts focus on mobilizing voters, raising funds, and encouraging volunteerism. Whether you're drumming up excitement for an event or encouraging voters to get to the polls, these messages aim to get people actively involved in your campaign.


🌟 Greetings, {fname}!

As we gear up for the pivotal moments ahead in [District], we're reminded daily of what's at stake. It's not just about the next election; it's about shaping a future that resonates with our core values and aspirations.

🚀 Take a stand with us: Your contribution ignites momentum. [Donation Page Link]

🔥 Here's why your support for [Organization] is vital:

  • Empower Change: Every contribution fuels our fight for policies that matter - from education reform to healthcare access.

  • Voice Your Values: Stand with a movement that echoes your principles and pushes for tangible outcomes.

  • Solidarity in Action: Your donation is a rally cry, bringing together voices from all corners of [District].

🔗 Learn more about our cause: For a deeper dive into our campaign and how we plan to transform [District], visit our website: [Website Main Page]

Together, we're not just dreaming of a better tomorrow; we're building it.

Thank you for your support, it's vital to our democracy.

  • {agent_first_name} from [Organization]

(P.S. - We understand inboxes can get crowded. If you wish to stop receiving messages from us, simply reply with 'STOP'.)

MMS Suggestions:

  1. Impactful Stories: Share testimonials or narratives of individuals whose lives have been positively impacted by the campaign.

  2. Behind-the-Scenes Moments: Offer a glimpse into the campaign’s day-to-day efforts, showcasing the hard work and dedication of the team and volunteers.

  3. Infographic of Progress: Visually present the milestones achieved by the organization, underscoring the direct impact of supporters' contributions.

Volunteer Recruitment

🌟 Hello, {fname}!

📢 [District] needs your spirit and dedication! Volunteering with [Organization] is more than lending a hand; it's lending a heart to our cause that champions progress, community, and change.

Why volunteer with us?

🤝 Community Building: Forge lasting connections while working towards a shared goal.

🧠 Skill Growth: Enhance your abilities and gain new experiences in a dynamic environment.

📣 Advocacy: Amplify our message and become a cornerstone of our grassroots movement.

👉 If you're ready to make a difference and join a team where every individual's contribution is valued, we want to hear from you!

🤳 Reply to this message to get in touch with our team and start your volunteering journey with [Organization].

To explore more about our work and the impact you can make, check out our site: [Website Main Page]

With you, our vision for [District] isn't just possible—it's within reach.

Looking forward to hearing from you! -{agent_first_name} with [Organization]

P.S. Your right to privacy is paramount. To opt out of future messages, reply with 'STOP'.

MMS Suggestions:

  • A vibrant montage of volunteers in action, highlighting the diverse activities and community engagement.

  • Inspirational quotes from current volunteers about their experiences and the fulfillment they gain from their service.

  • A calendar of upcoming events and initiatives, inviting potential volunteers to see where they can plug in and make an immediate impact.

Event Invitation

🌟 Greetings, {fname}!

📆 Mark your calendar! [Organization] is hosting a can’t-miss event in [District], and your presence would be the highlight of our gathering.

🎉 Event Spotlight: "[Event Name]"

  • Networking: Connect with community leaders and like-minded individuals.

  • Insightful Talks: Gain fresh perspectives from key speakers.

  • Fun Activities: Enjoy interactive sessions and entertainment.

👉 Seize the chance to be part of something special and RSVP now!

🔗 Click here to secure your spot: [RSVP Link]

📌 Details: Date: [Event Date] Time: [Event Time] Venue: [Event Location]

✨ Join us for a day of inspiration, conversation, and celebration. Together, let’s make it an event to remember!

See you there! -{agent_first_name} with [Organization]

Want to be removed? No problem - just reply w/ STOP

MMS Suggestions:

  1. Event Flyer: An inviting graphic of the event flyer, showcasing the agenda and special guests.

  2. Video Teaser: A sneak peek video clip from a previous event, capturing the excitement and the community vibe.

  3. Location Appeal: A picture the event venue, highlighting the special features and arrangements for the upcoming event.

Informational Scripts

Informational Scripts serve as a reliable resource for keeping your audience informed and updated. These scripts cover essential topics like voting logistics, policy updates, and post-election gratitude. They are tailored to offer valuable details that empower voters to make informed decisions, keeping them engaged in the political process without explicitly calling them to immediate action.

Candidate's First Text Introduction

Hello {fname}, my name is [Candidate Name], and I'm running for [Political Office]. I've teamed up with [Organization Name] because I believe in the power of grassroots movements and community engagement. My main focus for this campaign is [key issue/promise]. It's not just a talking point for me; it's a commitment backed by years of [relevant experience or advocacy]. I'm dedicated to making our [town/city/state] a better place for everyone, and I want to bring your voice into the decision-making process. As we embark on this journey, I'll be sharing updates, volunteer opportunities, and ways you can make a difference. I'm excited for us to bring meaningful change to our community together. I look forward to meeting you on the campaign trail! Message sent with the help of {agent_first_name}. Want to Opt-Out? Reply w/ Stop.

Voter Awareness

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. We're gearing up for the crucial upcoming election for [Political Office]. The stakes are high, and [Candidate Name] is dedicated to addressing [key issue/promise], a concern we believe resonates deeply with our community. Don't miss out on being part of this vital decision-making process—make sure to exercise your right to vote and let your voice be heard! Want to Opt-Out? Reply w/ Stop.

Candidate's Weekly Update

Hello {fname}, I'm {agent_first_name} from [Organization Name]. Another busy week has passed for [Candidate Name], who has been meeting with community leaders and activists to discuss [key issue]. This dialogue is crucial for shaping a campaign that truly represents us all. Your support has been invaluable in gaining this momentum, and we're excited to keep pushing forward. Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved! To opt out of messages, reply with Stop.

Policy Spotlight

Hey {fname}, it's {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. We want to shine a spotlight on a key policy area that [Candidate Name] is passionate about: [policy area]. We're not just about promises; we're about plans that will genuinely improve our community. Learn more about our comprehensive approach to [policy area] and how you can get involved to make it a reality. Your support makes a world of difference. To opt out, reply with Stop.

Thank You Message Post-Election

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. As the dust settles and we await the final election results, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude. Your support and civic engagement have been instrumental to this campaign. Democracy truly is a collective effort, and you've proven to be a most valuable player on this team. Thank you for standing with us. To stop receiving messages, reply with Stop.

SMS Survey Scripts

Polling Scripts are specialized texts designed to gauge public opinion and collect data directly from your audience. These scripts are vital for understanding voter sentiment on various issues, candidate preferences, and overall campaign effectiveness. Utilize these scripts to conduct quick surveys, issue-based polling, or even exit polls on election day. By employing Polling Scripts, you can acquire real-time insights that can inform campaign strategies, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for better engagement and outcomes.

Voter Sentiment Check-in

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. As the election season ramps up, we want to understand what issues matter most to you. Your voice will guide [Candidate Name] in making meaningful decisions for our community. Please share your thoughts by taking our quick voter sentiment check-in. To participate, click on the following link: [link to survey]. To unsubscribe, reply "stop."

Issue-Based Quick Poll

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. We're conducting a quick poll to understand where our community stands on key issues like healthcare, education, and the environment. Your opinion will help [Candidate Name] focus on what truly matters. Participate in our issue-based quick poll by clicking on the following link: [link to survey]. To opt-out, reply with "stop."

Candidate Favorability

Your opinion matters, {fname}! [Republicans/Democrats] want to know who you support in the [Election].

3-QUESTION SURVEY >>> [link to survey]

Message sent by {agent_first_name}, on behalf of [Organization Name]. Reply STOP to END

Community Issues Survey

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. We are committed to making our community a better place, but we need your input. What are the pressing issues you'd like [Candidate Name] to address? Please fill out our quick community issues survey by clicking here: [link to survey]. Want to Opt-Out? Reply w/ "stop".

Campaign Effectiveness Survey

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. As we near the end of this campaign season, we’d like to know how we're doing. Your insights will help [Candidate Name] fine-tune future outreach efforts. Please take a moment to complete our campaign effectiveness survey by clicking on the following link: [link to survey]. To end further communication, reply with "stop."

Policy Opinion

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. We're working to make policies that truly represent the needs and desires of our community. Could you please share your thoughts by taking our general policy survey? Just follow this link: [link to survey]. Opt-Out w/ "stop".

Running SMS Surveys

Two Effective Approaches

At RoboCent, we offer two highly effective methods for conducting SMS Surveys. Choose the approach that best aligns with your campaign goals and resources.

Option 1: Link-Based Survey

In this approach, your message contains a link to an external survey platform where recipients can share their opinions. This method is highly efficient and automated, requiring minimal hands-on engagement from your team.


Hello {fname} this is {agent_first_name} from [Organization Name]. We value your opinion on [Issue/Topic]. Please click the link to complete our quick survey: [Survey Link]. To opt-out, reply with 'Stop'.

Our team can manage the entire survey process for you, including the creation of voter-specific URLs. This allows you to not only collect valuable information but also to know exactly who it's coming from. Contact our team to get started.

Option 2: Interactive Messaging Survey

For a more personalized touch, you can engage your contacts in a back-and-forth text dialogue. This approach requires a dedicated team to manage the ongoing conversation and gather responses manually.

How It Works:

  • The initial text message is sent to your contact list, either by RoboCent if you opt for the Managed Service, or by the client directly if you choose the Self-Service option during scheduling.

  • Once the initial messages are sent, your team of staff and volunteers take over the conversation. Utilizing the Agent Portal, they engage in personalized, one-on-one interactions to collect survey responses from recipients.


Hi {fname}, it's {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. Quick question: On a scale of 1-5, how important is [Issue/Topic] to you? Your feedback helps us focus on what matters most to our community. Want to opt-out? Reply w/ 'stop'.

Note: While RoboCent can handle the delivery of your initial messages, your team is responsible for managing any subsequent back-and-forth communication to conduct the survey.

Choose the survey method that fits your campaign's needs for a successful and meaningful outreach.

Issue-Specific Fundraising Scripts

We understand that voters are motivated by issues that deeply affect their lives, and fundraising around these critical matters can be a game-changer for any campaign.

Our meticulously crafted scripts focus on the top issues that matter most to Americans today, from healthcare and education to social justice and the environment. Each script is designed to not only inform voters about your candidate's stance but also to inspire immediate action through emotionally compelling calls to donate.

Feel free to use these as a baseline for your campaign's unique messaging, and watch your fundraising efforts soar. Let's make a real impact on the issues that matter - one text, one donation at a time.

Healthcare Reforms Script

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with Friends of [Candidate Name]. Imagine a world where healthcare is a right for all, not just a privilege for the few. [Candidate Name] is committed to tearing down the barriers to affordable healthcare. Your donation of $5 or more can be a step towards this humane vision. Don't let this dream be deferred. [link to donate]. To Opt-Out, reply w/ Stop.

Economy and Jobs Script

Hi {fname}, I'm {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. Are you tired of policies that benefit the wealthy while ordinary families struggle paycheck to paycheck? So is [Candidate Name]. Your contribution can help us rewrite the rules and build an economy that includes everyone. Take a stand now. [link to donate]. Opt-Out? Reply w/ Stop.

Education Funding and Policies Script

Hello {fname}, it's {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. Our children deserve top-notch schools, dedicated teachers, and a future full of promise. [Candidate Name] is passionate about elevating our education system. Can you donate $10 to invest in our future leaders? Let's empower the next generation together. [link to donate]. Reply Stop to End.

Immigration Policies Script

Hi {fname}, I'm {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. Our immigration system is in desperate need of humane reform, and [Candidate Name] has the courage to fix it. Stand with us for fair and respectful immigration policies. Your donation can be the change catalyst we need. [link to donate]. Reply Stop to End.

Climate Change and Environment Script

Hello {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with [Organization Name]. Time is running out to save our planet, but [Candidate Name] has a groundbreaking vision for a sustainable world. This is our moment. Donate today to join us in the fight for a greener, cleaner tomorrow. [link to donate]. Opt-Out? Reply w/ Stop.

Racial and Social Justice Script

Hi {fname}, it's {agent_first_name} from Friends of [Candidate Name]. Discrimination, inequality, and social injustice have no place in our community. [Candidate Name] is committed to fighting for a more equitable society. Your donation today will fuel the movement for a more inclusive tomorrow. Be the change. [link to donate]. Reply Stop to End.

Infrastructure Improvement Script

Hi {fname}, this is {agent_first_name} with Friends of [Candidate Name]. Our roads, bridges, schools, and public systems are crumbling. [Candidate Name] wants to rebuild America for the 21st century. Your donation will fuel the change our infrastructure desperately needs. Let's build a better tomorrow, today. [link to donate]. Opt-Out? Reply w/ Stop.

Selecting the Perfect Tone

When crafting text message scripts for your political campaign, it's crucial to consider the tone you want to convey to your audience. The tone you choose should align with your campaign's goals and the specific message you're delivering. Here are some tone options along with descriptions and examples for each type:

  • Inspirational Tone:

    • Description: An inspirational tone is ideal for motivating and energizing your audience. It's all about stirring emotions and inspiring action.

    • Example: "Join us in making history! Your vote can shape the future of our community. Let's come together and create a brighter tomorrow. Voting for [Candidate Name] is your chance to make a difference."

  • Friendly and Approachable Tone:

    • Description: This tone exudes warmth and approachability, making your audience feel comfortable and valued.

    • Example: "Hi there, {fname}! It's {agent_first_name} from [Organization Name]. We're here to help you every step of the way. Have questions about voting? Just reply, and we'll provide all the info you need."

  • Informative and Educational Tone:

    • Description: An informative tone is perfect for delivering important details and updates to your audience while maintaining a neutral and educational style.

    • Example: "Stay informed about the upcoming election! Early voting starts today, and we're here to guide you through the process. Avoid the Election Day rush and cast your vote now for [Candidate Name]."

  • Urgent Tone:

    • Description: When time is of the essence, an urgent tone can be effective in encouraging quick action from your audience.

    • Example: "Time is running out! Request your absentee ballot today to ensure your vote counts for [Candidate Name]. Don't wait—let's make a difference together!"

  • Gratitude and Appreciation Tone:

    • Description: Expressing gratitude and appreciation can foster a sense of community and recognition among your audience.

    • Example: "Thank you, {fname}, for being an active participant in our democracy. Your support for [Candidate Name] means the world to us. Together, we'll achieve great things."

  • Professional and Authoritative Tone:

    • Description: A professional tone conveys authority and seriousness, often suitable for policy-related messages or formal announcements.

    • Example: "This is an official message from [Organization Name]. We want to ensure your voice is heard in the upcoming election. Stay informed and vote for [Candidate Name] to shape our community's future."

  • CTA-Driven (Call to Action) Tone:

    • Description: When you want your audience to take immediate action, a CTA-driven tone emphasizes the urgency of the message.

    • Example: "It's time to act! Early voting has begun. Head to the polls now and support [Candidate Name]. Every vote counts, and we need yours!"

Choose the tone that best suits your campaign's objectives and the specific message you want to convey. Remember, crafting the right tone can significantly impact how your audience engages with your campaign's messages.

Last updated