Setting Up KeyPad Surveys

Getting started with RoboCent's Self-Service Platform.

KeyPad Survey Setup Options

Our KeyPad Survey platform offers two flexible options for uploading your voice message audio content for your survey.

Option 1: Single Audio File Survey

This straightforward approach requires compiling all survey questions and their respective answers into one continuous audio file.


  1. Prepare Your Audio: Create one audio file encompassing all questions and their possible answers.

  2. Upload: Submit this audio file via the Files tab in your account.

Option 2: Multiple Audio Files Survey

For those preferring a more flexible setup, this method allows for each survey question, along with its potential answers, to be recorded in separate audio files.


  1. Segment Your Survey: For each survey question, prepare an individual audio file that includes the question itself and all of its possible answers. This ensures participants receive all necessary information within each file.

  2. Label and Upload: Clearly label each audio file to reflect its question number and upload them to your account. Labels should directly correspond to the question and answers contained within each file.

  3. Provide a Script: Submit a complete script of the survey upon scheduling. This script should outline the survey's structure, mirroring the labels on your audio files to guide our setup process accurately.

Our team will diligently prepare your survey based on the provided audio files and script. Should we need further details or clarifications, we will reach out to ensure your survey is set up precisely as intended.

For additional support or inquiries regarding the survey setup process, please contact our customer support team directly.

We aim to make your survey setup process as smooth and efficient as possible, enabling you to collect comprehensive feedback with ease!

Last updated