Voter Data Quote Walkthrough
Learn how to request voter data through your account.
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Learn how to request voter data through your account.
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This guide assumes you already have a User Account with RoboCent. If you need to create an account, visit our guide by clicking the link below.
RoboCent is partnered with an Industry Leading Political Data provider that has data for registered voters across the United States. The Landline and Mobile records available are scrubbed through a variety of verification methods to ensure only the highest quality data remains.
The most likely cause is the criteria being too strict. If you're looking for female voters in a small zip code who have voted in 4 of the last 4 elections, it's very possible there are no matches. This does not mean there is an issue with the data request tool, it means we need to broaden the search.
Alternatively, zero available records could indicate we do not yet have data for the requested criteria.
RoboCent provides User the option to purchase voter data on behalf of a political organization that User represents, provided the User is authorized to do so and follows all applicable Federal and State Laws regarding the purchase of the voter data. By selling voter data, including but not limited to phone numbers (landlines or mobile), RoboCent is not granting permission to contact, call, or message the phone numbers. User is solely responsible for ensuring that the purchase and use of any voter data, regardless of how obtained, complies with all applicable local, state, federal laws, rules, regulations, and restrictions. In the event User purchases voter data from RoboCent, User expressly agrees, affirms, and represents that it will only use voter data in a lawful and responsible manner, and further that it will indemnify and hold RoboCent harmless to the fullest extent under the law, from any and all claims that may arise from User’s purchase or use of the voter data, regardless of how obtained. Voter data is reserved specifically for purchase only for registered political campaigns, committees, and organizations. The voter data shall not be used in advertising, marketing, solicitation, business purposes, or real estate, unless given explicit permission from RoboCent. RoboCent reserves the right to refuse services to any organization or individual that does not meet this criteria and may request documentation to verify the organization’s authenticity.
RoboCent does not host, sell, provide, or maintain records of any personally identifiable information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, health records, digitized or electronic signatures, place of birth, drivers license number, or family history
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